Saturday, November 27, 2010


The big Friday night storm turned out to be not-so-big, but we're still left with a few inches on the ground and drifts around the house. At times this morning it was blustery and visibility was near impossible. It's putting us in a Christmas spirit! Perhaps we should go out and chop down a fir tree!
Scooby was a bit indifferent with the snow but he soon gained confidence and left in great huge leaps all around the drifts. He was covered in snow, but by the time I grabbed the camera it had started to melt off him.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Friday Night Roast

It's Friday night after a week of report cards (excuse me ... progress reports), parent teacher meetings, homework, planning, marking and thinking about Christmas plans, and P put on a roast and the house smelled gloriously yummy when I got home and he had oiled the butcher block counter between drywalling the upstairs hall wall and the Grandma M peeled the potatoes and put them on to boil and we poured a glass of shiraz and ... yes, all is right with the world.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Funny fajitas

Don't play with your food! But sometimes it's absolutely irresistible. However ... this fajita won't hold too many goodies. My bet is that the messy plate award is coming our way.

Friday, November 5, 2010

For those about to walk

For those about to head out for a stroll into hot Florida heat, here's a quick pic of me about to walk Scooby in the snain (a nasty snow-rain mix) in the dark of the 6:15pm night. Dismal and dreary, November is definitely upon us.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A Farm By Any Other Name

We just discovered that our farm (well, the farmland portion) already has a farm name. We dubbed the entire property Hawthorn Creek Farm due to the curiously high number of hawthorn and buckthorn trees here and the meandering creek that flows through the north fields. So here's the original name. Let me know if you think it's more apt: Pinewynd Farm.

So, whaddya think?!?!?!


I could not believe my eyes, but on the weekend we were snowed upon!!

What a shocker!!!

S and I were flabbergasted and gobsmacked, both at the same time!