Monday, October 18, 2010

Making Use of the Track

The day was cool, the sky cloudy, and the kids donned their gear (or most of it) and took their bikes for a spin.

I have no idea what came over me, but at the track while I was walking Scooby and watching the kids ride around on their motocross bikes, I was suddenly overcome with the urge. The urge to ride.

Perhaps I felt like the track hadn't seen much use since P's accident, or perhaps I felt adventurous and carefree, but whatever the impetus, I asked J for his helmet and gave the kickstart a good kick, and off I went!
Yeah, the bike's a bit too small, but look at my form! A star in the making. Gotta go ... I think Ricky Carmichael is calling for advice ...


  1. Move over Grandma Mario - a new star is born!!

  2. OMG ...good on you! You're never too old to try something new.
    Hugs and Kisses.....

  3. Are you crazy?!?! One adult in the family needs two good legs! Hope you had your fun and got it out of your system. Off topic, but how did the baking go?

  4. I think I will bring the splints with me. I cannot believe the air time J is getting in that first pix. As for D riding I am so excited that she gave it a try just to get that "certain" feeling...
    Good on you.
    GT and Bop
