Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Vacation at last

For months and months we'd been anticipating our vacation in the sunny south, swimming in the ocean, lazing around the pool, hanging out with family. Finally it was upon us and we piled into the minivan, puppy in tow, drove over the speed limit for 2 full days, ready to embark on another fabulous vacation ... however, it wasn't to be. In reality, it rivaled the Griswolds'.
The kids had fun playing shuffleboard and enjoying the sunshine, and L and I took Scooby for a walk around the park before they flew back home to Vancouver.
After they left, P took me to a walk-in clinic to look at a curious lump on my arm; they directed us to the hospital where I lounged for 4 days, barraged with antibiotics while the Infectious Disease specialist determined that I had an infection that had started in my finger. I can't tell you how bizarre the whole episode was. I'm lucky to have such terrific people around me: a husband who brought me hot tea everyday and kids who never complained that their jet skiing was cancelled and parents who looked after my men and my puppy and in-laws who sent the most adorable flowers ... and a mom who gave up the sunshine to come home with us (2 more days in the minivan) to make sure the kids get to school on time and I get better. And thank goodness for Travel Insurance!!

As a result of this less than favourable holiday, this blog has been sadly neglected. My apologies! I vow to be a more active blogger ... um, really soon.


  1. I am so sorry. You picked a horrible way to have a holiday.
    love from us.

  2. So relieved that you are better and home safe and sound.
    You are truly blessed to have the most awesome Mum and family.
    Be safe and stay well!
