Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Architectural Awe

Jenga blocks can be used for much more than Jenga-ing!  This HUGE tower practically defies the laws of gravity and is slightly reminiscent of the Big Ben clock tower ... !

Friends and Snow Angels

I love the holidays for good old fashioned hanging out with friends.  Making snow angels just makes it that little bit better.

MI IV: Mission Impossible IV

It's not as impossible as we first suspected: grouting the pebble tile in the shower basin proved to be a bit challenging but definitely do-able.  And it looks fabulous!  The grey tile on the bathroom floor looks good, too.  Another small step towards the ultimate goal of a spa like upstairs bathroom.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Proposing a Toast

One of the awesome gifts under the tree this year was for us from S! He picked out this terrific toaster, which not only matches the other stainless steel appliances, but it's a four-slicer and can fit bagels, too.  It's like the Porsche of toasters.  We're going to eat toast for breakfast, lunch and supper every day for the next month!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas To All !

What a fantastic day!  There were some traditions upheld:  we lounged about in pyjamas, playing with new toys and eating way too much.  Some highlights:  new panda slippers and a Rubic's Cube.  And one terrific new tradition courtesy of Grandma M:  Granny's Sour Cream Biscuits which were heavenly and even better than I'd been told for the past 22 years. We've been blessed with yet another wonderful Christmas day with friends and family and good food and I'm sending out Christmas wishes to those we can't see in person today.  Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Another Pile of Tile

Here it is, la piece de resistance:  the shower basin.  I LOVE IT!  They are all natural stones and the colours are light grey and beige and off-white, but when they're wet the colours are more intense.  I think they look fabulous wet or dry. We (and when I say we, I mean P) may put a sealer on them that leaves them looking a bit wet.  Is the wet look still in?

My fingers are crossed that the grouting job won't be too challenging, but I have faith in our contractor. No job is too difficult! He's like a combination of Clark Kent and Peter Parker; his superpowers are never far away. The fact that I'm married to him might indicate a bit of bias ... ;-p

A Pile of Tile


Most of the tile was cut yesterday and early this morning I was commissioned to go to Home Depot on a thin-set run.  And early this afternoon the results were gorgeous!  Two fellas worked hard to get all the spaces perfect while the third worked on a school project and I baked in preparation for the feast tomorrow. I love the colour of the tile: light dove grey, crisp and not dingy.  Just wait till I show you the tile in the shower basin!  

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

This will suck!

One of the things I miss most is our central vac and now we have one!  Well, most of it is still in the box, but one important part is installed and it's so awesome that I had to ask S to give us a quick demo.  A quick sweep is all it takes, and VOILA! the floor is clean!  

Plywood Dreams

As you may know, we've been living with plywood countertops in half the kitchen and bits of ill-fitting wood on either side of the range. Since we hadn't decided on a material for the counter yet (granite? limestone? quartz? lego?), we didn't know how thick the plywood needed to be as a base and we didn't want to have to do it twice.  Now, even tho we still aren't committed to a counter type, we'll have an easier time preparing Christmas dinner with solid counter pieces around the cooktop!  And it sort of looks like butcher block, doesn't it?  I love it!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Gingerbread and Elbow Grease

In the spirit of the season, the kids dug out some recipes and found a handwritten one for gingerbread, complete with house construction instructions, and they measured, mixed, rolled and baked.  The actual building was a good challenge but the houses look fantastically delicious and J even had some dough left over for a little bonhomme.

Snow Prints

We love walking around looking at the little footprints in the snow but we are amateurs at the identification process.  Any suggestions? 

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Minimum Wage and Other Musings

I haven't a clue what minimum wage is ... but when one or both kids ask about it seemingly out of the blue, it makes me hope that their futures include phrases like "This stethoscope shouldn't be too cold", or "I'm planning for Russia in 2014," or "Buy low, sell high!"
rather than "Would you like fries with that?"

O Christmas Tree

The industrious kids selected the ornaments and gave our tree a trimming it'll never forget, and it looks so festive! Guess which one's my favourite?

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Outdoor Chores

Doesn't this look like the coldest thing imaginable to do on a wintery day? I'm content to blog indoors with a hot cuppa tea and my fuzzy slippers while the boys do all the outdoor chores. The late arriving snow meant that the motocross bikes were used all through November, which was excellent!  But it also means cleaning them off now, risking life, limb and hypothermia, so that they're ready for the spring.

At the Helm

My hope is that it still seems like fun in February.

Friday, December 11, 2009

There's Snow Business ...

The first major snowfall of the season looks like it's here to stay. The high winds blew over the freshly cut cedar trees in the pots on the porch, red balls and all.  And worst of all, my minivan got stuck in the icy driveway, no thanks to all that new gravel which was snowed under and didn't help a bit. A bit of salt and sand took care of it, and I was able to speed off into the sunset. 

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Bus Cancelled! Snow Day!

The best reason for giving up city life for rural living? Snow days. Hot chocolate, throwing snowballs, building forts, tobogganing and baking cookies.  

High School Holiday Concert

The 8th grade class performed at the high school for the holiday concert and S was playing the bass clarinet in the concert band.  It was unfortunate that the audience member in front of me had ants in his pants.  I couldn't get a good shot of S with all that shuffling around!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Charlie Brown is alive and well

Our brand new Christmas tree, cut from our own front yard, is awaiting adornment in our living room. Charlie Brown would be jealous.

Why is P chopping down that tree?

Deere John

P borrowed the neighbour's JD to level out the gravel and it looks terrific!  So much better than that nasty mud.  The upcoming weather will put it to the test ... stay posted for the verdict.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

We Have Gravel!

The ongoing drama has drawn to a close with two loads of A gravel deposited on the driveway late this afternoon. The sun was setting as the tandem truck headed back down the lane, so the final touches of grading will have to wait until morning, barring any snow arriving overnight. With hope, this will keep the muck at bay ... instead of all over our tires and boots (and all through the house.)

Friday, December 4, 2009

Friday Day Off

Last week brought not only the first snowfall, but also the first term report cards, and today is a P.D. day for the kids!  And a Professional Development day for the teachers (which means a morning of parent meetings and an afternoon of Christmas shopping.)  We had a leisurely breakfast but then I put them to work: mopping, dusting, taking garbage to the dump.  Impressively productive!  All completed in time for S's pal from the city to arrive for a weekend visit.

Guided Chopping

Now that our woodburning furnace is running, our house is toasty warm and cozy!  But for those times when the fire burns too low and we need to re-light, P and J are getting some kindling ready.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

House Transformed

As the sun came up a new landscape was revealed, one clean and crisp and feeling like home.

Here Is the Truck

Here is the truck
that's full of gravel
(22 tons of gravel)
that's stuck in the lane 
that's greasy with mud
that needs heaps of gravel
to get to the house that D & P bought.