Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A Vast Expanse (Back)

Here's a view of the back yard where two poles were removed.  Now there's a completely unobstructed view of the NAV Canada tower! Yay.

Not having those hydro poles and lines anymore means no more bird chirping at dawn, which is sad on weekdays but welcome on Saturdays, and no more birdy gifts on the minivan, which is appreciated every day.
p.s.  Those aren't pre-dug graves back by the fire-pit; they are gardens awaiting topsoil for flowers and vegetables in the spring.  


  1. Looks like you guys have been busy! No rest for the wicked ... how's that bathroom coming along?

  2. Cannot believe the difference a few poles can make. Your weather is beautiful and sunny. Love the nice smooth driveway....
