Saturday, July 18, 2009

Dirty laundry

Is there anything better than clean underwear? I think not.
I demolished the wall and found a dead mouse (my shrieking encouraged P to leave his mudding of the drywall in the living room to alleviate my distress and toss the offending rotting rodent into the pine trees) to make room for the washer and dryer. Our friend H came to help lift the heavy appliances up out of the basement and I thanked him with some "woman-cooked grub" for dinner.  P hooked up electrical stuff and plumbed in some sort of fancy water hoses, and I am in heaven right now, listening to the pleasant swooshing of our new LG washer.  

1 comment:

  1. mighty happy faces and the sounds of new appliances humming in the background. does life get any better? Time to take a break and have a cold beer! Hum!!
