Monday, October 21, 2013

Chicken Little

My class is reading Chicken Little (in French, of course) and I am so proud of this mural that they painted and the animals they cut out and decorated. Ain't it cute?

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Rec Room Floor: Fini!

Ahhh ... it looks lovely, rich, glossy brown, gleaming in the sunlight. Just look at that detailed work!  Well worth the wait of, umm ... seven months ... wow, we started gutting this room in March. 

I can't wait to move in.  Now for the baseboards and trim.  

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Simply Floored

Yowza! Take a look at the action in our rec room. J helped screw down the sub-floor which will raise it up so that the hardwood will be level with the tile. Then the real action started! We have hardwood!  It looks amazing and I cannot wait to see the whole thing finished.  To (almost) have the entire main floor finished is making me dizzy with happiness!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

What a Weekend!

I am thankful for a basement full of loud jammin' friends who are equally enthusiastic about Smoke on the Water and wood on the pile, who are quick to laugh and quick to jump in and help out.  What a productive weekend!  The wood is done: chopped, split and stacked.  The grass is raked and the bark all picked up.  The new garage workbench is in place and the old one ready for a match. And best of all, the rec room is ready for a new hardwood floor.  I am speechless.  Merci, merci, mes amis!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Happy Birthday!

In honour of P's birthday, we drank a beer, left a bit in the can, then stuck it in a chicken and roasted it up on the bbq. The best part is that the chicken was free, thanks to a little bartering with a neighbour farmer who needed some bush-hogging done.  This little guy was free-range (umm, the chicken, not P) and tasted pretty good (again, I mean the chicken).