Monday, September 16, 2013

Slack-lining and wood-splitting

What a busy weekend!  We (and by we, I mean everyone except me) cut the logs into rounds and started to split the five bush cords we'll need this winter. About halfway done.  Huge job.
In the meantime, the kids received a slack line in the mail. What an awesome gift! It's not as easy as it looks.  Truly.


Sunday, September 8, 2013

Poor John Deere

A sad day today:  Mr. John Deere suffered a breakdown and had to be assisted back to the homestead. Doctors are assessing his condition and will advise on the best course of action shortly.  In the meantime, our growing grass is thankfully slowing down, so his recuperation is not urgent.  Send flowers and cards to Mr. John Deere, On Blocks, Garage.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Ah, Labour Day Weekend

As the summer slows down and the scent of autumn is in the air, the fruit and vegetables front he market make it to our table for us to enjoy.  Just as enjoyable is BACON!  J cooked up a pound of the glorious greasy goodness while P made some French toast. Look who's happy!