Sunday, June 23, 2013

Chainsaw in Action

"I'll just trim these stumps so the lawnmower can drive right over them ..."  he said, implying that it would be a 15 or 20 minute endeavor.

A few hours later, it looked like a tornado had leveled the area.  Branches and saplings littered the ground.  So, we picked it all up, carted it to the burn pile and lit 'er up.

Marshmallows, anyone?

Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Quest for the Holy Grail, er, Tractor

After much hunting for the perfect tractor in our price range, P located one.

He arranged the trailer and the driver and bright and early this morning they set out on their quest.

Over mountains and across rivers, battling dragons and storms, they sought their holy grail.

Et voila ... mission accompli.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Oh Deer Me!

P and I came home late last night when we came across a mummy and her baby trying to cross the road by our farm.  I whisper-yelled at my husband, who promised to obey me 22 years ago in front of lots of witnesses, to get his phone and he snapped this pic through the windshield. It was raining lightly and the deer were walking cautiously in front of us.  Was it Bambi's first outing?  He's so little and they both looked tentative.  A minute later they were bounding across the field into the darkness.