Friday, January 25, 2013

Thoughts of a Brass Monkey

It has been awfully cold these past few days and this morning the temperature is hovering around -18 with a wind chill that takes it even lower!  One of the old windows in our house needs desperately to be replaced.  How do I know?  So glad you asked.  Because it doesn't quite keep Ol' Jack Frost far enough away.  Take a look:

 On a more positive thought, my brilliant grade nine child has created a thing of beauty in shop class. During the session in metal shop, he made this rose. So gorgeous!
I can't wait till he makes me a Subaru Outback in auto shop.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Snowy News

So far this winter has been gorgeous, with lots of snow and not too cold days. Scooby has taken to posing regally at every opportunity, so I can't help but take his picture.
The danger of this glorious snow is that when unplowed, the driveway can be quite slippy. So slippy, in fact, that one's mini-van just might slide slowly and irrevocably into the ditch, as mine did.  But my knight in shining armour came to the rescue (the shining armour was really fleece and thin-sulate) and retrieved said mini-van out of said ditch, and he didn't even laugh at me.  Well, just a little.