Sunday, November 18, 2012

Most Sincere Apologies

It has been far, far too long since my last blog post and I am sincerely sorry for the hiatus which was unintentional and entirely unforgivable.  In my defense, these past months have been busy ones.  A visit from relatives in Texas, a trip to the east coast with a gaggle of travel-mates, a week of glorious fun-filled camping, mad preparations for my new (LTO) grade one classroom followed almost immediately by mad preparations for my new core French classroom, which is PERMANENT!  The first weeks of school were crazy: learning how to teach core French in an entirely fresh and engaging way took up 110% of my time, and waking up with a racing heart before the sunrise really took it out of me. If I could sleep past 3 am, I felt somewhat rested ... and ready for the onslaught of the day. Now it is beginning to feel manageable, and my husband suggested I take a look at this long-neglected blog.  Et voila!

Now for pictures!  I will try to post some of the highlights from these past months. Enjoy!

First up: 
P's birthday in early October ... mmm ... cheesecake!

Somewhere in New Brunswick, at a touristy lighthouse that had information on local sights:

In old Quebec City, with the Chateau Frontenac in the background, on a day where the temperature fluctuated between blisteringly hot and unbearably humid: 

At low tide at Hopewell Rocks, New Brunswick, posing quickly before other beach-walkers ruined the picture: