Friday, June 29, 2012

Con- grad-ulations!

From a wee four year old lad on his first day of school, our youngest monkey has grown up, acquired heaps of knowledge, matured in ways too many to count, and has conquered grade 8 with confidence and competence.

And he has the diploma to prove it.  (I know because I've seen it!)

Congratulations, J!  

Thursday, June 28, 2012

School's Out!

As the school year winds to a close, I was the grateful recipient of many home-made cards from students, usually last-minue and hand-made. This one was memorable and is worth sharing.  Am I really the best teacher?  Um, judging by the spelling, no.  But judging by the creative use of phonetics, um, maybe I've had a modicum of impact. 
I love it. 
Almost as much as I love the mall.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Grass is Always Greener

With so many acres to trim, the grass cutting becomes almost a full-time effort in the summer months, and calling in all the bairns is necessary to get the job done before sunset. We need to buy another mower ... or have more children.