Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Not the Bermuda Triangle

In shop class, which is new for our grade nine kid, there's lots of fun to be had. For someone who loves gadgets and power tools, this class is much more like playing than learning. Check out this cool triangle game made with a chunk of pine and some tees. Awesome smooth corners and deadly cut-out. Level 4. No doubt.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Happy Family Day!

The province of Ontario recognizes today (Feb 21) as a holiday, a time to play with family and friends and spend quality time with loved ones. And that's just what we did. We ate way too much, drank waay toooo much and had loads and loads of fun.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Friday Night Ditties

An impromptu singing lesson /songfest and much laughing and messing about is taking place AT THIS MOMENT at our piano, with S and P singing beautifully. I wish I could sing. I wish the dishes were getting washed. I wish they'd pick a song that doesn't need that one dead key on our old Nordheimer.
As it's Family Day weekend, we are off to a good start. I can't wait for the rest of it!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sunday news

First of all, have I explained the irony of our composter here in the country? We set it up (well, I did, as the primary supporter of composting in the house) in the first weeks after we moved in, but it was pillaged in short order. Raccoons, I think. The side door ripped off and the entire composter pulled off it's pins. We retired the practice for a while until my dad set up up again, hammering bigger metal pins into the bottom so that it'll likely never move again, whether we want it to or not. Now, we still reserve veg scraps in the kitchen bin but we can't get to the composter in the backyard because it's buried under the snow! We'd need a snowmobile and an ice pick.

In house reno news, I'm happy to report some updates upstairs! More trim!

The wood around the bedroom windows has been added and it makes our home look less like a ghetto and more like the Ritz.

P also put all the baseboard in the upstairs hallway, but because it's not painted he doesn't want me to post it just yet.
Use your imagination. Ain't it awesome?!?!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

If the shoe fits

It's been five months since P's accident and take a look! He can get a shoe on that right foot. He's been wearing his slippers and his work (steel toe) shoes but nothing else fit until now. This is a huge step in the right direction. Yep, pun intended. Hee hee.