Monday, August 31, 2009

Jonah and the whale of a tree

The endless dead wood in the trees north of the house proved a challenge for  S & J and with minor injuries they successfully loaded the hugest tree ever on the trailer and emptied it at the fire pit.  Great job!

Getting action in the kitchen

Things are heating up on the cupboard front! I love the idea of putting food in a civilized place instead of in boxes on the floor.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

A fridge in the kitchen?!?! Believe it or not, it's true!

Not only is the fridge actually in the kitchen, the stove is right beside it. Does life get any better? You betcha it does, because our friend A is coming to visit and bringing his toolbox and energy.  Is there a completed kitchen in our future? Stay tuned ...

Moto X Mania

Three of the guys in our family decided to race this weekend. See if you can pick them out in these pics.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


This is the best waffle maker ever!  No fuss, no custard filling, no burnt edges.  Yum!  Many have enjoyed these delicacies from Chef P's kitchen.

Clearing out the brush

I put the kids to work cleaning up under the trees in the front yard.  Three full trailers of branches and wood, and the boys drove the ATV to the fire pit and unloaded it all. Well done!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Nothing new to report

With my better half working off-site and me on the job search, nothing new has been done, except that I've been unpacking boxes in the bedrooms and swiffering our lovely hardwood floors.  Also we discovered that the fridge is taller than we calculated so we need the 21 inch cabinet instead of the 24 inch one sitting in a box in our garage and it might be weeks before it comes in. If obstacles were people, this farm would be China ...

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Garden angst

The front garden has been a constant source of frustration due to the clay soil, relentless weeds and a recent problem of rust on many new plants. To top it off, the rain that has been so plentiful this summer has washed much of the rich topsoil away. We thought maybe that the leftover pavers from our previous house could be used as a border. What do you think?

Tractors, etc.

Time for bringing in the wheat. This very loud machine worked in the neighbour's field all day.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Instead of working on the house ...

Summer is meant for vacationing, and in that spirit we have been most effective in avoiding any sort of reno work lately.  Out of town guests have inspired us to spend our time in various engaging pursuits.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Mickey Mouse

In spite of the fact that they carry disease and keep us awake all night with their scrabbling in the walls, they still look kinda cute, don't they?
Thanks to uncle J who did the honours and disposed of this wee fella in the woods.  Let's keep our fingers crossed for another one tonight!  That'd be three in a row!

The weed man

I get the feeling that keeping a weed-free garden is not unlike a really hairy man shaving his face.  At some point he determines where his face ends and his body begins and he stops shaving, leaving a sharp line at his hairy neck.  Likewise with the weeding of the garden.  This area looks remarkably weedless, but the rest of the lawn is a wild weed free-for-all.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Uncle J becomes a motocross champion

Look at the form on this beginner!!  AWESOME!


Fun! A beautiful sunny day ... exploring all our acres.


Check out these chickens!  You might think they're the newest members of our farm, but they're not. We're lucky to have neighbours who have 59 chicken that provide heaps of fresh eggs.  (They had 60 but one fell off the perch.)


Games galore!  Mousetrap and Twister.  Fun for the whole family.